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thank you for CALLing ELSEWHERE

Thank you for joining for the first presentation of CALL Elsewhere!

"Call Elsewhere" is created by Lyto Triantafyllidou and Stav Palti-Negev. It is based on the play “Elsewhere: a play for an audience of one” by Stav Palti Negev.

During the performance the audience is prompted to call a mysterious number. On the other side of the line they find a strange calling center, where they encounter refugees from all over the world, who share their stories of displacement and loss.

The voices in the recording belong to Ino Badanjak, Alexandra Gellner, Natasha Katerinopoulos, Laith Nakli and Jak Watson. Sound Editing by Evdoxia Ragkou

This project was developed with support from New York Foundation for the Arts and Chashama.


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