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2020 / The world is Ending. Democracy is failing. I am all alone. And I want to fuck  / BETSUD ARTISTIC RESIDENCY


Written by Greta Cappelletti, Patricio Ruiz and Lyto Triantafyllidou


Video directed by Lyto Triantafyllidou


Featuring: Konstantinos Papanikolaou and Giorgos Kritharas (voice)


The world is ending, again and again. The auction sale of the Venus de Milos statue (or maybe the lost statue of Helen of Troy) by the Museum of Louvre leads to the Third War World. The Covid19 pandemic drives a young queer writer back home, where he documents his return to a previous life while he explores his body as foreign territory. A post-apocalyptic woman’s cry for sexual contact becomes a lyrical song expressing the pornographic aspect of her loneliness.


The three artists, who have never physically yet met, Greta Cappelletti, Patricio Ruiz and Lyto Triantafyllidou, compose a collage of their absent selfs, inventing a new end-of-world mythology.  This project was originally inspired by the mythological character of Helen of Troy. Helen is used by the creators as an example of an absent body, a political fabricated argument, a seductive woman, a body for sale, a contagious virus - or even a nutritionist. 


With the intention to echo the fragmented way one consumes information while surfing the internet, the performance is deprived of a traditional dramatic storyline. The audience is invited to follow a series of scenes (or hyperlinks!) that weave together a 4 sentence manifesto: The world is Ending. Democracy is Falling. I am all Alone. And I Want to Fuck


 Fragments or this play's dramaturgy, recorded and film, was presented in Primavera dei Teatri Festival in Castrovilary, Italy 

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